Assab - main port of Eritrea
The town has become an important port since it was purchased by the Rubattino Shipping Company
for 8,100 Maria Teresa dollars from the local sultans on behalf of the Italian government in
1869. Assab was chosen for its strategic location near the straits of Bab el Mandeb, and the
possibility that it could become an important trading station between Ethiopia and Arabia.
Assab now is a modern port, with an oil refinery built by the former Soviet Union. It used to
be the main port serving Addis Ababa and therefore has more an Ethiopian than Eritrean feel to
The town is divided into three parts. Assab Seghir (small Assab) on the shoreline, Assab Kebir
(big Assab) in the center of town, containing the port and the city center and nestling behind
it is the rather ramshackle Campo Sudan, the former domain of Ethiopian residents. There are
extensive salt flats around Assab. There are 30 islands in the Bay of Assab, which can be

First class Kebal International Hotel Assab.
27 Miazia Street (P.O.Box 12) - Assab Eritrea
Telephone +2911 660229 - 660146 - 660085

Budget hotel - Assab Pension - Assab Eritrea

Zeray Deres Hotel - Assab Eritrea

A decorated Afar shop in Assab

Afar sambukhs at anchor in the briny shallows

Former teleferique connecting Assab salt panes with the port.
The equipment was sold to Britain by the (Ethiopian) Dergue.

Administration of Assab.

Assab - Regional administration of Southern Red Sea Zone.

St Michael Orthodox Church Assab.

One of the mosques of Assab.