Mendefera (Adi Ugri)
Mendefera, also known as Adi Ugri, is the capital city of Zoba
Debub. It is situated 54 kilometers south of Asmara, and worth a one day trip.
Driving to Mendefera is a pleasant experience where the rolling mountains and
hills are covered with acacia and the barren ones are full of color.
It is
easy to climb the various hills in this village to enjoy the views. Situated on
two hills opposite one another, on two sides of the main road passing through
Mendefera one will find the two most prominent buildings in the town: The St.
Georghis Coptic Church and the Catholic Church and School.
The name Mendefera derives
from the high hill in the center of the city and is a source of pride to Eritreans.
It means 'no one dared' and is a reminder of the fierce resistance put up
by the local people to the Italian colonialism.
Mendefera was built during the Italian era. Earlier, the place was a thick jungle, where wild animals roamed making it impossible for anyone to live in.
It is now a bustling market town in a fertile region of Eritrea, and a place where small and large scale factories produce different products.
Resume of hotel accommodation in Mendefera |
Name |
Address |
Rooms |
Phone |
Fax |
Asmara |
50 |
611 137 |
Awet |
19 |
611 063 |
Hotel |
192 |
611 062 |
Denden |
8 |
611 626 |
Enbaba |
74 |
611 070 |
(recommended) |
25 |
611 636 611
443 |
Merkeb |
Box 92 |
611 044 |
Semhar |
9 |
611 356 |
Resume of hotel accommodation in Teraemni |
Name |
Address |
Rooms |
Phone |
Fax |
Hamlay - Deseit |
611 576 |

Awet Hotel - Mendefera Eritrea.

Coptic church of St. Giorghis in Mendefera.

Catholic church and school in Mendefera.

Mosque in Mendefera.

Tank yard (captured and damaged Ethiopian tanks) in Mendefera.

Administration of Mendefera.

Municipality of Mendefera.

Covered market in Mendefera. Bullet-holes are a reminiscence
of the fierce fighting that took place during the war of liberation.

Woman at the marketplace in Mendefera.
pictures of Mendefera Eritrea > > >