Date: |
Wed, 29 Dec 1999 19:41:27 -0800 |
From: |
Alem Kahassai (San Diego U.S.A) |
Hi, My name is Alem and I had a great time looking into the place that I was born but never
had the chance to live in cause of the war at the time. I have been living in the US for about
8 years now but I soon hope to go back and before I do I wanted to see how much it has changed
and I wanted to thank you for showing me the beauty of my life which is my country.
Date: |
Tue, 28 Dec 1999 23:21:14 -0600 |
From: |
Michael Ghedamu (Texas U.S.A) |
Hello Mebrat:
It is a wonderful homepage!!! I spent hours and hours going over the pictures and updating myself on
Please keep up the good work. I will visit again for more updates.
Date: |
25 Dec 1999 14:19:38 -0800 |
From: |
Abeselom (Bronx, NY U.S.A.) |
Dear Mebrat,
What a nice homepage!! I really liked it. I learned so many things that I didn't know before! Keep up the good work.
Date: |
Thu, 16 Dec 1999 22:34:19 -0500 |
From: |
Ralph Parker (Marietta Ga U.S.A.) |
Great page! I am a volunteer with refugees and immigrants in Atlanta. Have become very good
friends with an Eritrean immigrant family of 9. Have learned a lot from their dignity, despite
poverty here in the US. It is not easy to uproot the family, so the children can benefit from
American education. Have met some of the community leaders here and was one of the few Americans
at the hugely successful May Independence day/night party. It was quite an experience for my
family. I support Eritrea's political position on the war and hope for a quick end. Excellent
new book on Eritrea and Ethiopia called "Eccentric Graces" by Julia Stewart. Very pro Eritrea.
Keep up the good work.....
Dear Hans and Mebrat
Thank you for designing this fantastic website with all its beautiful colors and the contents
in your homepage.
After all this is the moment where we can chat with each other.
Like what many Eritreans in their mail mentioned: Keep it up and in case you need some
information which might update your website just drop by your queries.
Bye for now
Date: |
Thu, 9 Dec 1999 17:16:29 -0600 (CST) |
From: |
Dr. Michael Fesseahye (Jefferson City, U.S.A.) |
Selamat Mebrat & Hans
Allow me to commend you for this well prepared and informative Homepage. I am an Eritrean,
who claim to knowing his country and his people, if I say so myself that is. However, after I
surfed through your homepage, I came to the conclusion that I have a lot to learn about my people
and my country. The pictures on your web page from Eritrea tells me that I have my work cut out
for me. I promise my next trip to Eritrea will be "getting to know Eritrea."
This is web site that every Eritrean, specially, the young Eritreans born in Diaspora
visit. I will definitely tell others about your Homepage.
Lastly I will like to commend your husband for telling the whole world how much he loves you
and how much he respects and admires Eritrea and its people.
Keep up the good work!
A good homepage...and I would like to make a link to it.
I work in a Danish support group of Eritrea since the time of the liberation
Do you have any links to friendship organizations in Holland and in the world?
best wishes
Date: |
Wed, 08 Dec 1999 09:37:57 -0800 |
From: |
Dawit Michael (Anaheim, Canada) |
Hi, Mebrat, I am proud to be part of you, it is excellent site and keep up the good work.
Selam Mebrat Haftat,
It is great to see nice homepages like yours. It is true, you have an excellent website, so
keep up the good work. Just for introduction, my name is Sami Debass am undergrad student at
Georgia Teach Inst.., I work for a software development Inc, So I have a great deal of
interest in html, java, c++, Cobol and all the rest of programming languages. However I am EE major.
Currently I am working as the chairman of all Eritrean Students Organization (EYOA) here in
Atlanta. I also have a great deal of interest in Eritrean history...
I guess this is it for now, unit I here from you :)
Take care
Hi, Mebrat
I like people like you and Hans go ahead with your good jobs.
Best regards
Johannes Habtemariam
Date: |
Fri, 26 Nov 1999 15:48:44 -0800 |
From: |
Mussie Kidane (Geneva Switzerland) |
You have done a tremendous job. Your homepage is indispensable to propagate
the still untold success story of Eritreanism and Eritreans.
Never kneel down Eritrea...
Keep this great job up!
I love your homepage. Please get in contact with me because I need more information
from Eritrea. Your Home Girl from Germany.
Date: |
Fri, 26 Nov 1999 21:30:57 -0700 (GMT+7) |
From: |
K. Taffere (Houston Texas, USA) |
I wish you both good luck, and may happiness be with you
Mr. Hans your homepage is inspiring...... Keep it up!
K.T. Houston Texas
Date: |
Fri, 26 Nov 1999 00:49:03 -0800 |
From: |
Zere Habtemariam (Norman, Oklahoma, USA) |
This is my first time to see your web page, I am telling the truth, I visited a lot of Eritrean
web page, I have never seen like this. This is the best, it is a bomb bratherman. I like the
way you organized it (especially about Asmara, it recalled me everything). Thanx bro.
Wonderful job.
Hi my name is Mulu and I'm a young 23 years old Eritrean male. I'm very talented
in art, and music. Well it was nice being on your home page, I think it's very good that you got this
home page to show us our culture and our people.
Date: |
Thu, 25 Nov 1999 16:16:20 +0100 |
From: |
Zeray Teclai (Stuttgart, Germany) |
Hallo Mebrat,
I am from Germany, tsibkit Hidmo seriHki zHaftey. I hope other Eritreans will fellow your work. Keep it up.
Date: |
Wed, 24 Nov 1999 18:18:32 +0100 |
From: |
Zaid Habte (Sweden) |
hälsningar fran Sverige jag har bat isverige i åtta år och jag trives mycket om Sveriges
samhelet och tradition hälsningar fron Zaid Habte.
Sorry, but we do not speak a word Swedish. But we have understood you like it in Sweden.
Selam Hans and Mebrat
I have visited your web page by chance and I can not resist sending my appreciation for the work you have done to set up such an
impressive web page. Het is indrukwekkend. Ik hoop dat jullie heerlijk genieten van elkaar en gebruik maken van de voordelen die
multicultureel gemeenschap met zich mee brengt.
I wish I could go on writing in Dutch. I have lived in Holland for almost 13 years and thanks to the generous help I received from the
Dutch people and government I have been able to study aeronautics in HTS Haarlem. I finally ended up in Seattle. I am currently
working for Boeing.
Prettig weekend
Mulugheta Abraha
Seattle, USA
Thanks for a wonderful page. Do you still live in Asmara. I haven't seen the
whole page so I am asking questions I might find out as I read the page. As I
said I was stationed at Kagnew Station an American Base that I believe is
still standing, and is used by the Eritrean government. Were you alive when I
was stationed there? Well I will look forward to reading and looking at the
pictures. My heart is part of Asmara forever.
Placido ( Kagnew66)
Date: |
Mon, 08 Nov 1999 17:22:52 -0600 |
From: |
Sara Gebrehiwet (St Paul USA) |
Nab Mebrat mis Sebiya Bitaami tsubuk website alat koom.
Asena antoom shikorat.
Awet N'ana.
Kab sarina shikorina.
Viva Eritrea and its fantastic people! My grandfather loved it so much that he decided to
carry on working in Tessenei where he died fifty years ago! He was Italian. You have one of
the best pages in the net, Mebrat! Congratulations and keep up with the good work.
Date: |
Fri, 5 Nov 1999 20:39:53 +0100 |
From: |
Daniel Woldai (Frankfurt Germany) |
Hi Mebrat,
I'm very impressed of your very admirable homepage, it's well designed and you have some good background information about Eritrea.
Date: |
Thu, 28 Oct 1999 17:40:27 -0700 |
From: |
Rick Fortney (USA) |
To Mebrat Tzehaie,
I was just given a link to your page by a friend and I'm totally amazed
at the photos and other information. I was at Kagnew Station in 1969 and
1970, and have since created a web page dedicated to all the people,
including local civilians that were affected by Kagnew. In fact, a few
of my friends and I just put together a reunion this year and it was
attended by several "true" Eritreans. The address of my page is
and you can find many photos of our time
there, including photos from our most recent reunion.
Again your page is terrific!
Rick Fortney, Kagnew Station Home Page
Date: |
Thu, 28 Oct 1999 16:24:58 -0500 (GMT) |
From: |
Dr. K.S. Viswanatham (Mumbai India) |
Dear Hans,
It is wonderful to see the pictures of Eritrea and other details about the country.
We were delighted to see the country. I am taking up an assignment as Water Resources
Management Expert shortly and would like to know more about school education and
engineering education the general standards of education/teaching and facilities available.
More after I hear from you.
Bye, Vish
I heard about Asmara through my brother who is working on the opening of the
Intercontinental Hotel. I came upon your web-site
through a search on "Asmara",
and immensely enjoyed surfing your site. Keep up the good work. Being a Kenyan born Canadian,
the next time I am in East Africa, I will surely make it a point to visit your beautiful and clean city.
Raj Thethy
Date: |
Wed, 20 Oct 1999 20:34:46 -0400 |
From: |
Brenda M. Tillman (Atlanta USA) |
Great website. I am doing a country report on Eritrea and I am finding your site
very helpful. I have forwarded your site to co-workers who are from Eritrea, just
in case they are not aware of it.
I am looking for the most accurate and current country data. I trust your site
provides that. I also want to true story for the people not from outsiders. I thank
you for this site as well as any other sites you can provide. Be blessed.
My name is Eden, and I am a student here at Dallas. Your site is very educational. Keep it up.
I was doing a research for my history class, so by chance found you site, must been lucky. What
attracted me most was the love you have for your wife. Deciding to check what it was about, I
found it very excellent information about my own country, the history that never told.
The good news is I change my research about American history decide to do on my country. Thank
you for that information you have. Any advice please e-mail me back this means a lot to me.
God loves you.
Così tanta nostalgia di casa l'Albergo Italia, di papà che c'era nato e che non c'è più.
Di quella vita dolce do odori e sapori, di quella libertà che trovo solo nella mia memoria.
I really enjoyed reading this page. Having come to the USA (New York) from Lithuania 8 years ago I met some Eritreans in the English classes
that I took back then. We instantly felt a special kinship among us, as Lithuania regained it's
independence at about the same time as Eritrea.
Are there any Eritreans interested in corresponding with me? I would love to hear from you.
Date: |
Fri, 15 Oct 1999 23:22:33 EDT |
From: |
Haile Bokure (USA) |
Selam Hans
Welcome to Eritrean community by the way of your wife, Mebrat. My wife's name
is also Mebrat. It means light or Lucia in Italian language. As you are probably
aware of, I am poet and desk top publisher. I published Dr. Russom's book,
and it can be ordered directly from me in the States. I hope Mebrat will
find it very interesting. If you want to get through my home page just type and it will lead you to my logo that is "Yohanna Mahtem" with an
oval shape. You can read my English and Tigrinya poems which are very funny
and of course more cultural in their overtones. Mebrat can help you
translating. In the meantime, let me know if you have something to suggest.
Haile Bokure
Dear mebrat,
Thanks for the info on your homepage...
No time yet to read it all..
Looking for some background information about our weekend-foster-child Mena. He is a refugee child from Eritrea and I don't know too much about his background and culture. Why did he go away without parents and what could have happened?????
Hoping to find something in your web page.
Thanks. Marieke
Selam Mebrat,
This is the best homepage I ever seen (of all Eritrean).
I am proud of you!
Date: |
Thu, 16 Sep 1999 18:03:56 -0400 |
From: |
Mesfun Michael Asgedom (USA) |
I just want say that, what a wonderful homepage you have!!
Thank you for the beautiful pictures of Eritrean cities!!
This is the site that I will recommended to all my friends from US!
Because it is the Homepage where one can find to any question about
this beautiful country Eritrea!
You made my day, Gual Eritrea !!
Thank you, your bro!!

I just wanted to compliment you on your web page. I've been thinking about
visiting Eritrea for awhile now, and your photo pages have only fueled my interest.
Thanks again,
Dear Mebrat :
Thank you so much for the pictures of our beloved city Asmara! This was my first opportunity to see
the fantastic development efforts that are under way in our home land. I must say that, although I was
born somewhere else and had only childhood memories of our beautiful Asmara, like every other Eritrean
I owe you A heart felt gratitude for all the pictures and for your efforts on presenting our country on
cyber space.
God Bless you & keep up the good work!
Awet 'n Hafash !!!!
I came across your web pages of Eritrea. Very, impressive pages.
This is just to express my appreciation and to bring an error I saw
to your attention. I guess Cinema Odeon Asmara should read
Cinema Roma Asmara.
We have corrected the name, thanks!
Mebrat, I just visited your page and want tell you that you have done a
marvelous job. I enjoyed it enormously and plan to tell all my friends about it.
yekeniyeley shikorina!
Date: |
Fri, 27 Aug 1999 17:13:13 CEST |
From: |
Dear Mebrat,
I'm very proud of you, for preparing a so wonderful page. The way you
decided to lay it out and the contents (both text and pictures), is very
professionally done. In addition, and most importantly, it gives us
Eritreans, especially those in the Diaspora, hope and happiness, to see what
is going on, development wise.
Thanks sis, and keep up the excellent work!
Awet N´hafash!
God bless!
Your brother!
Roma 27 agosto,1999
Mi chiamo Luigi Moro, ho bisogno che questo messaggio venga
gentilmente recapitato a Padre Protasio Delfini, della Cattedrale di
"Caro Padre Protasio, lavoravo all'OMI, Gruppo Agusta e vorrei iniviare
i miei saluti al mio collega Carmelo Gerace, che non sento da parecchio
tempo e spero che stia bene; se riuscisse a trovarlo le comunichi il mio
indirizzo di Roma:
LUIGI MORO, Via Giovanni Giolitti, 199 int.30,
00185 ROMA
se lui mi scrivesse io ne sarei contento.
La ringrazio infinitamente per la sua gentilezza e disponibilità".
Ringrazio il sito web per la eventuale disponibilità.
Please try not to send us messages in Italian, since we hardly can read them.
We hope somebody will take this message to Padre Protasio in Asmara for you
Complimenti per il Home Page fa ricordare la bellissima Asmara.
Date: |
Fri, 20 Aug 1999 16:53:32 +0200 |
From: |
Giovanni Gai (Italy) |
Ho frequentato il liceo classico F. Martini ad Asmara.
Ho lasciato Asmara per Aden nel 1954.
Vorrei organizzare un viaggio con amici in dicembre 1999 e
incominciare il 2000 a Massawa.
Avete suggerimenti?
Il vostro sito è molto bello e fa rivivere i bei giorni trascorsi
ad Asmara!!!
Subject: | Search for my Sister (Mebrat Belay Tedla) |
Date: |
Thu, 29 Jul 1999 08:36:46 PDT |
From: |
Seyoum Belay (USA) |
Dear Hans and Mebrat,
I just received your e-mail and I am so grateful that you are offering to
help me search for my sister. Let me give you a bit background on her.
She left Asmara around 1986 and was living in Sudan until 1988 or so.
My oldest brother (Negash Belay) was living in the state of Iowa, USA at the
time. When she contacted him from Sudan, he immediately filled immigration
papers to bring her to the USA. Her case in the immigration office was
approved after a year or so. But by then she had already moved to Saudi
Arabia, and since then she lost communication with my brother.
Hence, since I moved to the USA, I have been doing my own search. But so
far, I have not had any luck locating her. The only information I got is
that she moved from Saudi and is living in Sweden.
So, may be you can help me reunite her with her brothers and sisters here in
the USA and back home. Her full name is : Mebrat Belay Tedla, her age: between 32 - 36.
Thank you so much for offering to help.
Sincerely, Seyoum Belay.
Simply great, well built, and bookmarked!
Date: |
Fri, 9 Jul 1999 21:15:32 +0200 (MET DST) |
From: |
Coen Admiraal (Nederland) |
Mijn pleegdochter komt uit Eritrea, vandaar.
Leuke homepage.
Hans and Mebrat,
I just saw your new web page and I am amazed by the wonderful
shots you took of the city. My mother is coming to see me on Friday and I can't wait
to show her what you did and she will be glad to send you a message. She doesn't have
any knowledge of computer and internet, that means I am the only way for her to get
Thanks for everything you are doing for our people and for me especially because it
makes me really happy and proud of being a sha'bia soul.
Much respect, Sara Ghebremeskel
Thank you Sara, you make me happy too!
I needed quick information about Eritrea.
This is very good indeed.
Dank jullie wel and keep going.
Dick van der Zeijden.
Thanks for all the information on your home-page.
It's very interesting and it's looks very good.
Right now I'm writing an essay about the integration of Eritrean refugees in Sudan
and I was looking for some information about the border conflict. I found it on your page!!!
Ellen Vossen
Merhaba Mebrat!
Camey alochi!
I am an Eritrean-Italian girl really devoted to her African side and very proud to be
nicknamed "Shaabia" from my Eritrean family. I was looking for Eritrean sites into the
internet and I am amazed I found your homepage. It is so interesting and it makes me
feel so proud of being half Eritrean. My father is from Asmara and my mother is Italian
but she can speak such a perfect tigrinya! Yes, she speaks it better than Italian, she
feels more part of our Eritrean family than the Italian one. I didn't get the chance to
visit Eritrea yet but I can't wait no more! I feel so much Hamasien!! I hope we can keep
in touch because I need Eritrean people around me, to be always more in the culture.
I can speak some tigrinya, but my mother was always working and she couldn't find time
to keep it up with me and my brothers so we forgot most. My father passed the way years
ago and since then I've been missing so much my African culture. Thank God there is still
people like you around!! I learned more thanks to your web page, and I wish you could edit
some tips about the Eritrean Edition, our pride! Thanks for helping me to acquire
more of
my culture and spreading it around, because it's worth it.
Keep it up!!
Awet n'ahfash! Shaabia.