Guest book of Mebrat Tzehaie (2004)

Very interesting to see the photos of Assab, as I lived there from 1983 - 1988 supervising the construction of the water supply project, working for Sir M MacDonald & Partners, of Cambridge, UK. If anyone remembers me, please send me an email.
I was born in Eritrea Asmara and as a young boy we lived in Massawua we were the owners of the Bar Piccolo
opposite to the Hotel Torino as well as the owner of the Lidos club.
those places bring back memorie of my early youth. My best friend was Letizia Lustrissimi and Antonio
Rizzo. I wonder where you are my Friends.
GOD I LOVE THAT PLACE wishing soon ill go back there i left
Eritrea In 1960 went to Italy to finish my hsc and in 1968 move to Sydney Australia God bless you all.
Date: | Thursday December 09 2004 22:43 |
From: | Bill Gallier (Middleburg, FL, USA) |
I was stationed in Asmara 1967-1970 with the Navy. A great place.
I am planning trip back in early 2005.
I am a amateur radio operator and will try to obtain license to operate while there.
I am a hopeful (still short listed) UN Volunteer in Eritrea. Honestly, when UN sent an email-proposal
regarding a volunteer-post in Eritrea, that was the first time I heard about the country.
When I began to research more on the country, all the more that am learning to like it.
I really hope I'd be given this chance to work in a country all different from mine.
All the information here has helped me learn more about Eritrea. I am unsure to when or would UN
finally assign me in Eritrea, but I do sincerely hope they would soon
because each time I'd
open your site, the more that I long for Eritrea.
Thank you,
I really enjoy this site. I love how it has all you need to know about beautiful Eritrea.
This site is well organized and provides so much information.
I was born in the USA but I am very much into my country and often visit various sites like
this one to educate myself and enjoy Eritrea's beauty. Thank you!!!
LOVE the site, LOVE the country, LOVED the fact that I was born & leaved in Massauwa from 1954 to 1962. Through some of your photographs I was able relive
memories from a very happy time of my life, the road to school, the building where my parents ran a bar, the outdoor cinema, i
portici, la diga wao! You guys are doing a fantastic job.
Date: |
Thursday November 25 2004 14:50 |
From: | Stan Warungu (Lagos, Nigeria) |
A long journey begins with a single step, keep up and your airline will soon grow in fleet and
success. You have a good salesman in Dr. Fossoum (WHO) Nigeria. He always talks well about your
Hello Hans & Mebrat,
I would like to thank the both of you for not only showing me, but
also teaching me things about my culture and the country my parents
were born and grew up in. It is hard to embrace a culture that I
am not surrounded by, but thanks to your web site I have that much
more knowledge about it. Thank you both so much.
Feven Micael
Cooooooooool web!
I appreciated it so much.
Only the prices of the restaurants need to be updated.
I have been in Eritrea two years ago.
It's a beautiful country.
you did a very good job.
Date: | Friday November 05 2004 17:47 |
From: | Andemariam Seyoum (Winnipeg, Canada) |
I appreciate your web-site very much. It provides a lot of information. It is really handy.
If it is not too much for you, could you update prices of hotels in Asmara, Massawa and Keren, please?
For your information I left Eritrea in 1978. I have never visited Eritrea again since then. I hope I will have the will, the drive and desire to visit it again.
With Love and admiration
Date: | Friday November 05 2004 14:31 |
From: | Lars Sondergard (Holte, Denmark) |
It is an excellent site. I work for a Danish development organization and really
enjoy your extensive coverage of Eritrean affairs.
Date: | Wednesday November 03 2004 16:48 |
From: | Tedros Kebbede (Asmara, Eritrea) |
Dear Hans & Mebrat,
Very pleased to visit your web site, I am proud of all you efforts in introducing emergent Eritrea to the rest of the world.
Best Regards,
Date: | Wednesday November 03 2004 5:55 |
From: | Jim Horn (Temecula, California, USA) |
Excellent site. Very comprehensive and informative.
I enjoyed visiting your site.
Date: |
Thursday October 21 2004
2:07 |
From: | Angela McGree (Ottawa, Canada) |
I am doing an essay on the culture of Eritrea and found your website whilst doing my research. I greatly appreciate the information you have made available. I am inspired by the love, time and energy put into this effort. I think that one day I will be
traveling to Eritrea to learn more and experience Eritrean culture firsthand!
WOW! What a wonderful website. Through the school where I teach, a small group of students and myself have
the wonderful opportunity to travel to Eritrea to do service projects. This website will be most helpful in
the classroom to teach the students about Eritrea.
Thank you for an outstanding amount of information and knowledge!!!
Date: | Saturday October
09 18:56 |
From: | Traute Graubne (Lübeck, Germany) |
I visited your site often, beautiful pictures and excellent information about
Maybe you remember that I've posted a search for the father of my daughter into your
guest book in 2001.
I found him 2 weeks ago and TODAY I have seen him face to face after 20 years.
Just wanted you to know, I never gave up.
I am grateful for the re-connection.
Well done Mebrat & Hans for bringing Eritrea to our living rooms.
Keep up the good work..
Date: | Saturday September 25
2004 12:24 |
From: | Adil (London, United Kingdom) |
Thank you for such wonderful website about Eritrea. You have done a marvelous
job in describing Eritrea past and present history. Once again thanks you, you're time and effort is much appreciated..
Hello, my name is Mohammed, working in Saudi Arabia
I just came across to ur website i found it very interesting
for our history and culture. Well done and highly appreciated
your excellency and Mebrat are like Mars and Venus in love.
Kindly keep it up
I was trying to find the map of Eritrea and found your page.
I was interested to find those interesting information on different towns of Eritrea.
I hope you will keep updating it!
Hi, embeytey Mebrat & sabbai haftii (brother in law)
Keep up, we will never let you down. Thank you for your contribution, after
all you are an Eritrean. Don't forget.
Your friend Fkrea.
Ik vind een van de mooiste sites.
Ik heb veel informatie gevonden die ik bij
andere niet kan vinden. Ga zo door.
Thanks voor deze mooie website.
Geachte Hans en Mebrat,
Als ik uw web-site bezoek, krijg ik altijd heimwee. Het blijft altijd met zoveel
verrasingen en zeer goed up-dated. Ik ben overtuigd dat u in veel Eritreese harten
een plaats heeft genomen.
Met vriendelijke selamta,
God Bless you!
Date: | Thursday August 19 2004 15:11 |
From: | Ghirmai Berhane (Arnhem, Holland) |
Hi Hans and Mebrat,
I was informed from Berhe about your beautiful and very interesting web. I am
very glad and proud to have a web which tells about Eritrea and Ethiopia.
Very informative website. Bravo Hans!!!
Greetings from Ghirmai.
I was recently looking for information about Eritrea and your web site literally opened the doors
to a lot of very useful ones.
I got to know Eritrea through a close friend who I met in the USA. She is one of the million refugee
who have been living abroad.
Thanks for this awesome website.
Thank you so much for this page. I have long wanted to make injera.
I have made it before, but never have made it with taff. My first
attempted was not good at all. I really like the sour flavor.
My sister and I host an ethnic cooking club in Chicago and having
access to authentic recipes like your is very important to us.
Eriteran cuisine like the other great cuisines of the world must
be written down and made available so it can take its rightful place.
Kim Ferguson
Date: | Saturday July 24 2004 6:14 |
From: | Thomas Eyob Habtemariam (San Diego, California, USA) |
Selam Mrs. Mebrat,
I came across your web site while I was conducting a research on the World Wide Web and
impressed by your motivation, dedication, and quality work! Thank you so much for encouraging
Mr. Hans van der Splinter to put together such a masterpiece! Very impressive and I found it
to be well organized and informative!
Mr. Hans thanks for going above and beyond and wrote the true representation of Eritrea!
Congratulation for a web site well done and keep up the good work!
God bless you and Mebrat abundantly!
Thomas Habtemraiam
Dear creator(s) of this site.
Well done! I found this remarkable site quite interesting and managed to navigate at ease.
I have never seen like this, such detailed information of both historical and current happenings.
What a showcase! You must have consumed many hours making it happen. It is exceptionally good site,
nice to see it running. Time well spent.
Great work.
Hi Hans & Mebrat
How are you guys?
I was born in Asmara and went to school in Finland Mission (Enda Konte) and my high
school days in Saint Mary (Enda Mariam) which brings a lot of great memory, I'm
another lover of my home country (Eritrea). On my spare time at work i always surf
on the web and quench my thirst.
Marvelous profile, we need courageous people like you who can bring out the
beauty and the nice breeze of Asmara, thank you again for your effort...
With Love & Huge Smile.
Keep it up!
I think your website is wonderful!
I've grown up in the Middle East - Iran mostly and have always been interested in Eritrea - I just don't know why as our family has no links with that country and I've never met anyone from there - perhaps in a past life. I hope one day I'll be able to visit this beautiful country with such charming people.
In the meantime I have made a virtual visit thanks to your website!
All the best!
Hi my name is Claudio and my brother is Raimondo we had gone to a school in Segenatee
.It was a catholic school.
We had gone there from 1969 to 73. If any body that had gone to that school please contact me at
info@m5roadpro or
Thank you for this web page .
Great site, like the people from Eritrea.
I was born in Asmara, my parents too. We were the owners of Albergo Italia from 1889 when my grandfather built it until 1975 when the Ethiopians took it. May be someone
remembers us.
The years spent in Eritrea are absolutely the best years of my life. Sky, colors, see, landscapes and above all the Eritrean People is what I keep in my hart as the most precious thing I have.
Good 24th of May to all (is my birthday also!!!!)
Alipio Menghetti
Rimini (Italy).
Date: | Wednesday
May 19 2004 13:49 |
From: | Yousef |
Hi Hans & Mebrat,
What a wonderful, and informative site.
As reflected on you guest book, I find it interesting how the warm, simple Eritreans touch terrific people like you, and win their life long friendships.
Loads of appreciation for this great effort, and also regards to Mebrat for inspiring you to love Eritrea.
Plz keep up the good work. This site could develop into something special, where all friends of Eritrea can find great info.
Take care,
My name is Antonio and I'm interested to find some traces of my grandfather when he was living in Asmara.
My grandfather name was Antonio Manca he was born in 1904 and he came from an Italian city, Reggio Calabria
(southern Italy): he lived in Asmara between 1935 and 1947, working for an Italian company named Puricelli
and Clerici (he was mechanic). He had built his own home in Asmara located in Corso della Vittoria 4
(I know the ancient colonial name of that street only) and when he returned in Italy he sold the home to
an Indian trader. If somebody has schedules about him can contact me on this board or, better, by e-mail
at Thank you for your kindness.
To you Mebrat and your husband Hans van der Splinter
Thank you for making this wonderful homepage. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK.
My name is Abuna Keren.I lived at Halfa Jadida Sudan.I worked at the catholic church
at Khashm el Ghirba refugee settlement for nearly 17 years.
I loved the Eritrean people.
They loved each other whether Muslim Catholic or Orthodox. A priest at the Catholic
Church there and also at Khashm el Ghirma refugee settlement. Many of the people at
Ghirba were Belen from Keren. They lived as good people and there was never any
difficulties between the religions.
I thank Almighty God Allah for these great people.
I loved them all.
Wa Alleekum assalaam.
Ciaran Mc Guinness
Date: | Saturday April 17 2004 8:49 |
From: | Jonas (Yonas) (Stockholm, Sweden)
Only two words: Excellent site!
go to http://www.erey.50.megs
to see some more pictures too!
Going to Eritrea this summer.
My first flight experience with Eritrean Airlines was excellent. The flight attendants
curtsy were remarkable and very hospitable by nature. I look forward to fly again with
Eritrean. For all Eritrean airlines personnel congratulations for making it happen and way to go!
Great site, well structured and easy to navigate, good logical sections, informative and well written.
My personal contact with Eritreans came from my residence over many years in Saudi Arabia - we had an
Eritrean maid for 10 plus years and she was good, honest, loyal and helped in the bringing up of our
children, all of whom were fond of her.
Talking with other Eritreans, the picture I get is of a noble and honest people - e.g.: I get told "in
Asmara you could leave your wallet somewhere & it wouldn't be stolen"; hard to believe but it does
fit with the impression from your website ('one of the safest cities on earth'). Let us pray the country
is able to get itself back on its feet through its peoples' efforts, after the recent difficult decades.
Right now I am trying to see how to help my former maid - she is back in Asmara having been forced to
leave Saudi Arabia because of visa / sponsor problems; she never married and her mother and brother, her
only living relatives, both died before she was forced to leave Saudi Arabia and is now homeless and
desperately seeking work. As I say, she was a good maid and honest and religious and a credit to your
My wife is Eritrean and this web site has a wealth of information that is valuable to my
learning about the country. I am also looking for information about agriculture
and farming
in Eritrea but do not find any information anywhere.
Thank you,
Jim Moser
This is the most outstanding, very well done site I ever encounter about Eritrea.
Good job and thank you.
I want to thank you for all of the information you have shared with the world.
I was born in Asmara and came to the States when I was a baby.
I hope to travel there one day to see exactly where I was born and search for any family members.
I am fascinated by the history of Asmara and my people. The pictures are breathtaking. Hope to see more.
Thank You So Much!
I was intrigued by the beautiful architecture shown in your
photos, but more importantly I was moved by the story of the Eritreans'
fight for independence. The image of the memorial depicting "a tree for
every martyr", is forever in my mind. What a thoughtful and progressive
community to plant a tree, give life to something new and continuously
move forward in the wake of tragedy. It saddens me that as an American
my culture doesn't have the same proactive mindset.
Thank you for all
the work you have put into this website. My father will be arriving in
Assab next week and I am emailing him the link to your site, as I know
he will benefit from all you have shared.
Date: | Thursday March 09 2004 17:45 |
From: | Medhanie & Katrin Teklehaimanot (63263 Neu - Isenburg Germany) |
Just today my husband left to Eritrea, Asmara, Keren & Halimmentel to see after more than 10
years his family. I am so happy for him because I know what this means to him. We have 2
little boys, Jonas & David, 4 and 1 year old. They stay here with me, maybe next time we all
go together to visit this wonderful country.
I really like your website. Never before I read so many informations about Eritrea. Even the maps.
So what I like to know from you is: how can I learn Tigrinya or teach my children. Are there
books in Germany or something like that?
Wish you all the best
I love your website because it gave me more information than I needed but I think I will
make a good grade.
Mate... well done ... A wonderful webSite..
Very Interesting and carrying valueable information!
Proud To have be Eritrean! Cheers
Thank you
Semhar (ACT, Australia)
I loved your website. It was so real as if I was in Asmara.
I will forward your website to my friends so they can learn something about Asmara.
Selam (Memphis, TN, USA)
Date: | Monday
February 09 2004 6:37 |
From: | Ermias Amelash (Oslo, Norway) |
You have done a good work and god bless you.
We are proud to have someone like you.
Date: | Thursday February 05 2004 11:16 |
From: | Paolo Tibaldeschi (Varese, Italia) |
Your website is marvelous as your country.
One day I'll be able to re-visit it.
A tutti gli amici eritrei: avete fatto un magnifico salto in avanti:
guardate il futuro con speranza, ne avete il potenziale e le capacità.
Con amicizia
Auguro un prospero e felice anno a tutti voi, con l'augurio di un proficuo lavoro in favore del popolo
Un abbraccio fraterno Andrea Benigni
I am Italian 100% but one year ago after I returned from a seven months stay in Eritrea where I first met Ruta
(my Eritrean girlfriend), I started studying the history of Eritrea and feeling close to the destiny of its
people like I never expected.
GOD bless and help the Eritreans.
I thank you and keep on going and you have 100% of our support. We love you so
much. . . You know what they say "Its a matter of pride to be an Eritrean". Good job.
Date: | Tuesday January 20 2004 1:11 |
From: | Almaz Hedego (Walnut Creek, USA) |
I did sign your guest book a while ago, but I am doing it again with my new e-mail address. Well, I can't tell you how appreciative I am of your wonderful web-site loaded with great information about this beautiful country of ours. I am in the travel business and I will
definitely use it as my resource. I am very proud and grateful with your hard and consistent work.
Happy New Year and best wishes!
Date: | Wednesday January 14 2004 12:24 |
From: | Steve Delaney (Vancouver,British Columbia, Canada) |
Nice website!! Thanks for the information.
I will be visiting Eritrea next week for the second time. It's a great place, check it out.
This site was good. Now I see Eritrea from a whole other perspective.
All my support two you course you guys made more realistic for me and my friend to visit Eritrea.
Hope there is more people like you.
Thanks for all the info about Eritrea I am really grateful.
Well done Mebrat & Hans for bringing Eritrea to our living rooms.
Keep up the good work.
Hello. I have came across your website and I find it very interesting. I like the history and culture most
of all out of the varieties you have wrote about Eritrea. It is wonderful for me to know that I can get
information about my country, Eritrea, in an easy way. I live in the United States and its hard for me to
receive news about Eritrea from my relatives that live there. It takes too long and they are awful busy
with their lives, and so am I. Which is just 1 reason why I am glad that you have created this website.
I did a presentation on different styles of hair braiding for different cultures. My classmates at
Galludet University were impressed with my presentation and I got most of my information from you!
So thank you for all the wonderful information you put up it really makes my life easier in a lot of ways!
Guest book of Mebrat Tzehaie 2003