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Asmara (Asmera)
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Guest book of Mebrat Tzehaie (2009)


Meles Zenawi should speed up the peace proces, or I will put my teeth in his bottoms.

Date:Thursday June 04 2009 0:05
From:Harold Freeman (Louisville, Kentucky, USA)

I was happy to find your web site, as I worked in Eritrea Mendefera) as a U.S. Peace Corps teacher, long ago -- 1965-67.

I taught math and science at St. George Secondary School and lived in a house near what was then the center of town (near the municipal offices and the bus station).

The house was rented from Dejazmatch Fessahatzion Haile. (He may have spelled it differently in the English/Latin alphabet.)

Thank you for the information and the photos.

Date:Monday April 27 2009 17:09
From:Solomon (Atlanta, USA)

Dear Mebrat,

I am very proud of you for making your husband to be part of Eritrea's life. He has compiled a lot of useful information. I hope he will continue to update the information to reflect the current situation in Eritrea.

I wish there was an election in 2001 as promised but as you know the election is now put off indefinitely. I hope Mr. Splinter will continue to compile information about Eritrea.

Mebrat along your husband Mr. Splinter are an Ambassador of Eritrea in your own way. Keep it up.

Good job Mebrat and Mr. Hans van der Splinter.


Guest book of Mebrat Tzehaie 2008 >>


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