Causeway to the island Batse Massawa.

The Dahlak Hotel (tel. +2911 552818) sits on the edge of the
first island, Taulud and overlooks the bay and the causeway.
In 2011 the hotel re-opened its doors, after having been renovated to include
many new amenities: more than 200 classrooms, family bedrooms,
three restaurants, an auditorium, yachting facilities, and a swimming

From the Dahlak Hotel one can visit Sheikh Said Island
known to tourists as Green Island or Isola Verde.

Gibi or Governor's Palace was constructed in 1872 and was
the former winter residence of Emperor Haile Selassie.

It suffered a direct hit during the war and is therefore
perhaps the most disturbing reminder of the destructive war.

Detail of the Governor's Palace.

Following the shore one sees beached dhows.

And one passes the railway station for a trip to Ghinda.

This wall painting shows the fierce fighting, even in the salt ponds.

New Massawa branch office of the Commercial Bank of Eritrea.