New public library in Massawa - Island of Tualud.

Central Hotel (Telephone +2911 552 002 / 552 218 fax 552 608
P.O.Box 349 Massawa). first class rooms for $30, suite $37.50
Corallo Hotel (Tel + 291 1 552 406 P.O. Box 158 Massawa).
These paintings are new. It is a series of 8 paintings in a typical
Massawa frame (opposite to the war memorial with the tanks).

This is one of the paintings at a closer look

St. Mary's Church Massawa, last place of interest on our way to
the causeway to the mainland called 'sigalet ketan' (thin neck).

Toyota vans provide the public transport within Massawa. The
price will depend on luxury and destination required (from one
or two Nakfa's if you are willing to share the taxi with the local
passengers up to 150 Nakfa (ten dollars) for a round trip to the
salt pans). Negotiate the fare (contract) before entering the taxi!

The Massawa war memorial. The memorial is a composition of
three Ethiopian tanks. The middle tank, known as Commander
Number 1, which was the first tank captured by the EPLA at the
battle of Adebzemat in 1977. The other two were halted at this
location in 1991. The tanks are surrounded by black and white
a fountain spirting from the tanks gun and flower beds.