Een kennis van ons is gisteren vertokken naar Eritrea om te werken aan de vrede, gelukkig kunnen we via deze site
een kleine indruk krijgen in wat voor omgeving hij zich bevind.
Groetjes Miranda.
We have found your web page and must say its perfect and after reading all your pages and
looking to the wonderful pictures we must say, we realy want to visith this beautiful country
one day. Greetings from Flanders and also welcome in this beautiful part of the world,and of
course you cann tell us a lot more of your / this beautiful part of Africa.
We hebben echt intens van jullie web site genoten en zullen er zeker in de toekomst nog
gebruik van maken indien we dit als reisdoel zouden hebben.
Vrolijke kerst en een voorspoedig 2001
web page:
Date: |
Fri, 15 Dec 2000 23:54:19 +0100 (MET) |
From: | Ammaniel Hintza (Germany) |
I like your Photos from Asmara. For me this site contains the best quality pictures I have
ever seen from Asmara.
Date: |
Thu, 30 Nov 2000 09:18:53 +0300 |
From: | Robin Greaves (UN Asmara Eritrea) |
Excellent web site. Eritrea is now part
of the big wide world web. Maybe soon we will have GSM cellular phones too. We are based at
Asmara, but are planning an escape to Dahlek Island, by air, we have plane here! Hoping to be
here for at least a year. We use your web site as a daily reference guide.

UN Headquarters - Asmara Eritrea
Hello Mebrat !
I found your husband's site first, which lead me to yours. Thank you for
all the great information - I will be going to your country in about 7 days, part of the UN
mission, and we will be under Dutch Command - I think it's all pretty cool!
Sylvie :-)
Date: |
Mon, 20 Nov 2000 01:00:59 -0500 |
From: |
Zelalem Teka Haile (GAINESVILLE, FLORIDA, USA) |
It is an excellent acomplishiment. Please keep it up!
It is a very comprehensive and above all realistic way of expressing our country to the World.
Keep it up again! Thank you. Do you want to give a look at my little personal web page:
Just click
Date: |
Fri, 17 Nov 2000 21:00:34 -0600 |
From: | Bob Christopher (Topeka,Ks, USA) |
I am trying to find 2 people that I have not heard from since 1966 when I left Asmara, Eritrea.
It is very important to me to find them because of our ages.
The first person is Rosemary Venesseo. She is 1/2 Italian and 1/2 Eritrean. She went the Italian way the most.
The 2nd person is a Greek man. His name is Michele Maltas. He worked for an import-export company.
I am not 100% sure of the spelling.
One last thing. Rosemary had a daughter that was born 1/31/67. She is named Jacqueline. She is also my daughter.
I need help to find her. I will do all I can to repay anyone that helps.
Thank you,
Beste Hans en Mebrat,
Ik heb deze pagina nog niet helemaal bekeken, maar ik vind hem wel interessant en zeker wel mooi, dat wilde ik even kwijt, veel succes met de web site,
Dear Mebrat
You have a great web site and it gave me hope in finding a class mate of mine. Her name is
Askalu Menkerios. I lost track of her after see left our school in America and I thought she
may have been killed. Then I found articles written by her stating that she is on he Central
Council of Eritrea and I was rejoiced.
If anyone knows of a way I can contact her I would forever owe them. I have tried looking
e-mail and addresses for her to no avail. This year would be our 30th Class Reunion and it would
even be better if we could talk to her.
Thank You,
Roger (Duffy) Ingalsbe
OCAS class of 71
Date: |
Sat, 07 Oct 2000 21:13:02 -0500 |
From: | John Patsimas (Tenessee, USA) |
Dear Mabrat,
You have a wonderful web page, very informative. I would like to ask you if you can give me
some information. My family was in business in Asmara in the late 1800s until the mid 1900s.
I understand that they built one of the first movie theaters in Asmara possibly called Odeon with
a hotel next to it as well as some sort of dry goods store in the vicinity. The family name is
PATSIMAS and they are from Greek ancestry. Is there still such a building in existence, and if
so do you have a picture of it? I plan to one day visit your friendly city.
Thank you for your help.
We are not able to answer your questions at this moment, maybe someone else reading the
guest book can
Date: | Thu, 21 Sep 2000 21:48:42 +0200
From: | Charley Hobbs (Fuerth, Germany) |
Dear Mebrat,
I visited your sight several months ago and told you how much I like it.
I thought it was great then. Looks even better now.
It is really one of the best sites I've visited in my www travels.
I'm one of those ex-US military guys who got sent to Asmara, a place I had
never heard of and knew nothing about. I was there for three years,
1966-1969. It was really one of the high points of my life. I hope to be
able to take my family there and let them experience it in the near future.
Your efforts are appreciated by all of us who are lucky enough to visit your
homepage. It really is a service to and for the great folk of Eritrea.
Salaam, Charley.
Date: | Mon, 18 Sep 2000 19:10:57 -0400 |
From: | Jerry Ingle (Chatsworth, Georgia USA) |
Thank you very much for the time you have given to this page.
I was with the US Army at Kagnew Station from 1957 to 1959
and I have learned more from your page about Eritrea than
I did all the time I was there. While in your country I found
your people to be very kind and gentle. I never felt in
danger anytime day or night there while walking the streets,
I certainly can't say the same about any city in the USA.
Eritrea surely has paid the price over the last few centuries
to now be able to enjoy a few hundred years of freedom,
peace and prosperity. I may have overlooked it but do
you know when the region was named Eritrea and what
is the origin of the name?
Thank you very much,
Jerry Ingle
Chatsworth, Georgia USA
To answer your question I will quote from
"Guide to Eritrea" (Edward Paice)
"One of the earliest known references to the name Eritrea, derived from the Greek
word for red, is Fragment 67 of Aeschylus:
There the sacred waters of the Erythrean Sea break upon a bright red strand, ......
It was not until the arrival of the Italians in the 19th century however that the
country was officially called Eritrea."
Date: | Wed, 13 Sep 2000 21:11:22 -0700 |
From: | Carl Rosenberg (San Mateo, CA, USA) |
Excellent collection of pages. I landed in Asmara for a couple of days in 1996, and look forward to getting back there again. Eritrea was very hospitable.
Your site is wonderful! I had the good fortune of traveling to
Asmara and Eritrea last August. I have just returned Aug. 25th. It is an
exceptionally kind city, I went alone but I made a lot of friends. Eritreans
deserve all the best. I am working on an Internet project with Eritrea, I am
sure the economic prospects for the country are very good. I encourage
anyone to visit, there is no risk and everyone is friendly. If I can be of
any help, do not hesitate to get in contact. Best of lucks!
Date: |
Mon, 26 Jun 2000 14:38:38 +0200 (MET DST) |
From: |
Mario Sommarti (Brussels Belgium) |
After I saw a documentary film on the TV, I was curious to know more on this country.
Many thanks for your site. It was exactely what I wanted to have. I hope I will visit this
country one of this days.
Best regards, Mario Somarti.
Date: |
Mon, 19 Jun 2000 23:42:04 +020 |
From: |
Una Thoresen (Norway) |
Dear Mebrat!
Thank you for your effort to make this pages. It was very nice to see the pictures
from Asmara and find so much information about the country. I hope to go there one day.
Best of luck to you from
Una Thoresen
Date: |
Wed, 3 May 2000 13:40:06 +0200 (MET DST) |
From: |
Paul Berry (Randaberg Norway) |
A very good site. I am going to Asmara for my holiday in July/August, the information here
is very useful as I knew nothing about the city at all. Thank you.
Regards, Paul
Date: |
25 Apr 2000 15:05:39 -0700 |
From: |
Dick Lindenberg (Rotterdam Nederland) |
Beste Hans en Mebrat,
Ik ben aan het eind van onze wereldreis samen met Adiam en Robbin op dit moment in Seattle
bij Mulugheta en Tebles. Ik heb de prachtige homepage gezien over Eritrea. Mijn komplimenten!
Volledig en gedetailleerd en niet te vergeten: gemaakt met passie voor land en bevolking.
Hou vol en ga zo door! De mensen in Eritrea hebben deze steun juist nu hard nodig.
Date: |
Sun, 9 Apr 2000 22:04:03 +0200 |
From: |
Karina Schmelzer (Mohandessin - Giza Egypt) |
I am still very impressed from my recent visit, I made to Eritrea.
Somuchmore I am very, very glad to have found this Web-page!
Let peace and stability and support give the Eritrean people what they
deserve and fought for.
Let the good win over evil. Let us all hope, that the spirit of the brave
Eritrean people will prove strong enough and that Eritrea will suceed.
I shall keep praying.
Yours truly Karina Schmelzer
I am looking for the buildings built during the Second World War in Eritrea by the allied forces.
A Polish engineer-architect, Karol Schayer (1900-1971) served with the US Army Forces in
the Middle East in the Asmara Arsenal (Eritrea) in 1943.
He was in the Ordnance Department.
He was building Barracks and probably a Hospital.
Can anyone there tell me if these buildings still exist?
Thank you.
Your website is great, keep on the good work.
It gave me a fair introduction to a country that is totally unknown to me.
George Arbid, architect
currently Doctor of Design Candidate at the Advanced Studies Program
Harvard University, Graduate School of Design
48 Quincy Street, Cambridge MA 02138
Tel: 1-617- 496 0187 Fax: 1-617- 496 1294
Thank you for your suggestions, and thank you for this very interesting site. I need a little help:
Since last September I'm looking for a friend of mine, an Eritrean engineer, Kidane Kiflemariam. He stayed in Italy more than 20 years, he and our families were close friend.
He went back to Asmara when his wife, Alem, died. I have no news of him and his sons, Belul and Daniel, since he went back to Asmara. Could you help me??
Thank you anyway.
Date: |
Wed, 22 Mar 2000 07:48:36 -0600 (CST) |
From: |
Douglas Wilson (Sanford, North Carolina USA) |
I was in Asmara as a member of the United States Army from 1958 to 1960 and again from 1965
to 1968. While I was there I learned to love the people and the country. Eritrea will always
have a very special place of love in my heart. I hope that someday I may be able to return and
visit your beautiful country. Your people will always be my friends. I love you!
Douglas Wilson
Date: |
Tue, 21 Mar 2000 22:32:02 -0600 |
From: |
Dan Glassner (Houston, Texas USA) |
I was an American soldier stationed in Asmara at the Kagnew Station, 1967-1971. The pictures you have are really great! Thanks for sharing them.
Stationed Kagnew Station 1968-1970. Respected people of Asmara very much. Would return for
visit if health would allow it.
Date: |
Tue, 29 Feb 2000 04:27:49 -0600 (CST) |
From: |
Aman El Faud Mai-Tan (Lynnwood USA) |
It is nice to find such persons with the love of their
country as you on the web. I would like to encourage you on your efforts. I wish you all the best
in your every endeavours. Although we live abroad, we should always remember and know that God
gave us our home and it is forever there to give us the same kind of love and comfort that we
bring to it.
Hoi Mebrat,
Complimenten voor de webpagina's. Veel leuke en nuttige informatie over
Eritrea, maar dat had ik je ook al gezegd.
Leuk dat er ook zoveel mensen al in het gastenboek hebben geschreven.
Groetjes, Laura
Date: |
Wed, 23 Feb 2000 19:58:27 +0100 |
From: |
Eveline Wind (Rotterdam) |
Lieve Mebrat,
Wat een mooie pagina!
Nu, nog niet alles bekeken. maar ga dat zeker nog eens doen.
Groeten, Eveline
Date: |
Tue, 15 Feb 2000 15:19:36 -0500 |
From: |
Tsehai Debesai (St. Louis USA) |
my name is Tsehai (Tsehaye), I'm writing this comment to congratulate you for the most
informative homepage I have ever seen. I want to thank you.
Thank you mr. Hans and sister Mebrat for your courage and devotion to
introduce our beloved country to people who are strange to its natural
gifted beauty.
Hope your next plan will be to invest in Eritrea in tourism industry or
related fields.
Date: |
Mon, 31 Jan 2000 02:43:25 -0500 (EST) |
From: |
Simon Abraham (Edmonton Canada) |
I am an Ethiopian born Eritrean who lives in Canada.
I congratulate you for the good job you have done. It is an interesting web-page.
Keep it up.
I love your website. I keep hoping that I will be able to find my old friends from Saudia.
Wahab Rebbi Aman, his wife Rumanuh Aman, and their children. We were close friends for 5 years
in Saudi and they returned to Eritrea approximately 5 years ago. I hope and pray that they are
alive and well. I anybody out there knows them please give them my email. Wahab was from Asmara.
Date: |
Thu, 27 Jan 2000 18:29:58 +0000 |
From: |
Yosief Asfaha (England) |
I am very impressed the way you set up your homepage and the information available
in your homepage about our beloved country Eritrea
Good work
Date: |
Mon, 17 Jan 2000 00:34:25 +0100 |
From: |
Maria Letizia Orio (Italy) |
I enjoyed a lot your work on Asmara and Eritrea where I was born and lived since 1975.
Date: |
Tue, 11 Jan 2000 17:51:42 +0000 |
From: |
Emanuel Yemanee (Wembley England) |
I have seen your new homepage of Eritrea. It is just perfect. It not only shows you the
country, it also teaches its history. So keep up the good work and hope that you will update
as with any future development.
Well done!!
Thank you for your informative homepage. You made me walk along memory lane. Your home page
is conservative and informative at the same time. Thank you for your time devoted to provide
us with such valuable information.
Million Semere
Hi I love the background of your home page and happy new year 2000!
Guestbook of Mebrat Tzehaie 1999 >>