Hello Mebrat,
I just want to say thank you for your lovely homepage. I am a
student at Ohio State University and I had a paper due on Eritrea. The main
thing I was looking for was a picture of the nine Ethnic groups in Eritrea and
thinks to you I found them. There isn't a lot of books that talks about
Eritrean culture, I could not find much information that I was looking for at my
school, but thanks to you I found all the stuff that I need and hopefully in the
future we could publish more books on Eritrea.
thank you again.
Date: | November 16, 2002 3:14 AM |
From: | Joseph Gallant (Oromocto, New Brunswick, Canada)
prandall@nbnet.nb.ca |
Hello. Excellent Web Site, Very Informative!
I had the opportunity to spend 6 months in Eritrea in 2000. I have many fond memories of my time there. The
people by far stand out the most in my mind.
As we in Canada are now approaching winter and snow, I find myself wishing I were back in Asmara in the
warm sun.
Very informative. I have many friends both from Eritrea & Ethiopia and it is
good to learn more about them. Thanks to the language section I am in the
process of learning this language and those basic words will come in very
Date: | Saturday, November 09, 2002 10:05 AM |
From: | Josh Turgeon (Seattle, Washington, USA) |
My compliments on an informative and interesting web site.
I especially enjoyed the many photos and commentary included throughout.
I will be sure to
bring lots of pens and aspirin with me if I ever find myself in Asmara...
Thank you for this beautiful website! I am constructing a lesson plan for a
local high-school class about African cuisine, cooking, and in particular,
greens. Since there are so many Eritreans living in West Philadelphia I want to
highlight the culture and history of Eritrea, and your website is the best quick
over-view I'm seen. Thank you! I've learned a lot.
A very informative site. I am traveling to Eritrea for three weeks in
December/January and would like any up to date information about snorkeling in the Dahlak Islands
- I' have found general advice on your site, but would like to find out if there are any companies that
organize trips there, what the recent costs are, whether it is possible to link up with a group doing
something similar. I am traveling alone without a schedule and would prefer to
organize a trip once I get to
Date: | Wednesday, October 23, 2002 12:51 PM |
From: | Temelso Samiel (Lausanne, Switserland) |
Thank you very much, because I didn't see my country for a long time because
I left Eritrea (with my parents) when I was 6 years old (I am 18 years old
now). These
pictures make me dream but now I can't go there because of my papers.
thank you very much.
Samiel Temelso
Date: | Wednesday, October 16, 2002 12:39 AM |
From: | Tommer Cohen (MIshmar Ha Emeq 7 Israel)
hanavee@hotmail.co.il |
Nice Website, very well decorated Enough useful Information and colorful pictures of both desert and coral.
Makes me wish to go there
Dear Mebrat and Hans,
My name in Martin and I have visited your website
regularly since 2001. It is truly wonderful and extremely informative.
CONGRATULATIONS. I have finally been able to visit this truly wonderful
country with its wonderful people. Besides having a friend in Eritrea, your
website played a major role in convincing me that it is the place to be. It
is unfortunate that many people do not hear about Eritrea. The Eritrean
people are very warm and I had a great time while there. I will return. Keep
up the wonderful work.
Date: | Saturday, August 31, 2002 9:23 PM |
From: | Vito (100 Nigel Road, Selcourt, Springs, 1559 South Africa )
tarallo@mweb.co.za |
Hi, my name is Vito and I was wondering if anyone could help me with information
on where I can purchase the spice used to make Zigini in South Africa.
I would
appreciate this as my spice has run out and I can no longer prepare this
delicous dish.
Thank you,
Date: | Friday, August 30, 2002 3:01 PM |
From: | Simret Berhane (College Park, MD, USA)
bsimret@mail.com |
I love the people and cuisine section.
The segments are written is such an outsider friendly manner.
I hope you don't mind, I will be linking folks to you from my wedding website for all my
non-Eritrean guests.
Good luck!
Simret B.
Thank you for your wonderful recipes and all the interesting information about
your country. My friends who lived and served in Eritrea for several years
loved it and the people. One of them treated us to the coffee ritual as you
describe it and to a meal containing zigheny. I don't remember what else we
had, it was so very many years ago. I remember that the zigheny was wonderful.
I hope I can approximate it. With help from recipes on your website, I will try
it someday when I get brave.
Thank you for your kindness and helpfulness.
Rachel Boyd
Thank you for your up to date site of Asmara. I would like to visit from the
UK, but need to save a bit more money yet! I was born in Asmara during the
British Administration and would like to see first hand anything that remains of
the photos in my parents' photo albums.
Best wishes.
Julia Riding
Thank you for the excellent information contained on your homepage!
know it is a lot of work to gather, maintain and update such a wealth of
You are doing Eritrea, Eritreans and friends of Eritrea a
good service.
Please keep it up!
Very nice website.
Good information.
Thank you.
Date: | Sunday, August 04, 2002 3:11 PM |
From: | Barbara & Dan Hunter (Durban North, South Africa)
hunterd@iafrica.com |
We are hoping to come to Eritrea - University of Asmara in January 2003 &
wanted to find out more information about the country and people. We are so
looking forward to meeting the people and seeing the country. Heard such
positive reports. We have loved this site and have found it very informative.
Thank you
Date: | Thursday, August 01, 2002 12:49 PM |
From: | Claudio Gioseffi (Vicenza Italy)
annapia@inwind.it |
Thanks, it's a very well-constructed site.
Wonderfull site.
I was born in Asmara. I am a half cast as the American soldiers
used to call us. Keep on going in this way and maybe one day i will send you beautiful
pictures of Eritrea.
Hello Mebrat,
I really like your Website, it was very informative. There were certain
pictures of Eritrea, I had never seen before.
Keep up the good work.
Moussie Haile
Sono un membro della Associazione per l'Amicizia Italo-Eritrea. La mia famiglia e' vissuta dal
1936 al 1975 all'Asmara. Io da bambino abitavo a Ghezzabanda. Sono rimpatriato con le "Navi
bianche" della Croce Rossa Internazionale in Italia, con mia madre e tre fratelli. Mio padre
rimase in Asmara ove faceva l'artigiano elettromeccanico. In Italia ho visto (avevo 14 - 15
anni) la guerra antifascista partigiana, che ha portato idee nuove di liberta', di democrazia
e di rispetto per le Patrie di tutti i popolo della terra. Ogni Patria infatti e' una ricchezza
del mondo. La mia citta' di Treviso (25 Km da Venezia) ha subito un sanguinoso bombardamento
terroristico a tappeto americano ed inglese contro la popolazione civile in assenza di obiettivi
militari. Sono tornato dopo la guerra all'Asmara, dove era rimasto mio padre, ed ho frequentato
nel 1950 la Facolta' di medicina dipendente dalla Facolta' di Roma nell'Ospedale "Itahe' Menen".
Appena arrivato all'Asmara feci tra gli italiani, che non avevano conosciuto il movimento
partigiano, una intensa propaganda antifascista ed antirazzista. Insegnai a trattare il
meraviglioso e gentile Popolo Eritreo con rispetto. Debbo molto agli Eritrei per la mia formazione
umana e le mie riflessioni filosofiche sulla vita, sul coraggio e sul dolore. Considero l'Eritrea
come la mia patria, dove ho imparato a diventare uomo. Sono tornato in Italia per laurearmi e
specializzarmi e non sono piu' tornato perche' ho fatto famiglia a Treviso, ma i miei fratelli
e mia madre sono rimasti dopo la morte di mio padre fino al 1975. Gli Americani si erano fatti
dare la base militare e di spionaggio di Kagnew Station dal Negus Haile' Sellase, ed in cambio
lo hanno pagato ed armato e gli HANNO PERMESSO DI IMPADRONIRSI DELL'ERITREA. Menghistu' non potendo
piu' farsi proteggere dagli americani fu costretto a rivolgersi ai sovietici (dopo Corea e Viet Nam)
la guerra fredda si stava facendo strategicamente calda). Sono tornato come turista nel 1998 e sono
rimasto terribilmente emozionato tanto da non poter piu' parlare per piu' giorni. L'entusiasmo mi ha
travolto. Gli eritrei avevano fatti passi enormi. Erano fieri delle loro miracolose capacita' di
risorgere dopo 30 anni di guerra per la indipendenza. La pulizia e l'ordine regnavano nelle strade.
Avevano un viso sereno fiero e dolce. Con grande mia sorpresa fui accolto con grande calore ed
amicizia da sconoisciuti della mia eta'. Loro invece che odiare gli italiani (vecchi prepotenti
padroni, spesso cattivi, sfruttatori e crudeli) li ricevono con grande amicizia. Io, come molti altri
antifascisti (che si erano nascosti in Eritrea e percio' dovevano tacere) mi ero comportato bene, ma
avevo paura di essere disprezzato. Invece ho scoperto che il gentile, civilissimo, antico Popolo
Eritreo addirittura spesso ci e' affettuosamente amico. Forse lo sarebbe ancora di piu' se l'Italia
per ossequiosa dipendenza dagli USA, non li avesse abbandonati invece di aiutarli e proteggerli.
Formulo all'eroico indomabile gentile civilissimo Popolo Eritreo i miei auguri piu' caldi di un
avvenire di pace.
Mario Ruffin,
Ik zocht via een zoekmachine naar Eritrea, en kwam op jouw site. En ik moet zeggen een
prachtige site. Ik zal hem gelijk in mijn favorieten zetten.
De reden dat ik zocht naar Eritrea is dat mijn vriendin en haar zus uit Eritrea komen.
Ze zijn geboren in Keren. Dus vandaar dat ik alles over dat land wil weten, en ook ga proberen
om de taal te leren, al zal dat heel moeilijk zijn.
De volgende moeilijkheid is dat ze nog getrouwd is. (Haar man woont nog in
Keren), maar ze wil
wel van hem scheiden, daar ze uitgehuwelijkt is, zoals alle vrouwen daar. Als dat achter de
rug is kan ik met haar trouwen. Maar ze wil haar man niet meer ontmoeten, daar ze dan weer met
een kind terug komt, dus zal het via de ambassade moeten. Wat niet mee zal vallen, maar liefde
overwint alles.
Vaak zal ik op deze site terug kijken voor nieuwe info, en om hem helemaal te lezen. Want hij
is heel interressant.
Met vriendelijke groet Kees Tramper en Biricty Biabu
Your website about our former colony Eritrea is very interesting and updated.
Very good job.
Date: | Thursday, June 27, 2002 4:16 AM |
From: | Carlos Richardson (Columbia, SC, USA)
gullah78@hotmail.com |
This is the best Habisha web site I have visited so far. I'm a black American in the
U.S. Air Force, based in Korea. my wife is mix with Ethiopian and Eritrean.
Recently her parents tried to visit both countries,
but the Ethiopia embassy wouldn't give her mother a visa because she's Eritrean,
currently they are citizens of Canada. That shit have me & my family pissed
off. Black people been though and continue to go through bull shit. So, it's
time to come together.
I was at Kagnew Station in 1967 and 1968. I was always impressed with the
friendliness of the people. The climate also was absolutely beautiful on
the mountain and in a few hours you could be at the Red Sea experiencing
100 degrees. The night sky was very dark making it good to observe the
stars and satellites. I also loved the rainy season with its predictable
4 PM (1600 hrs) downpour.
Your pictures brought me back but also got me
caught up on what has been accomplished in the country. I have a renewed
interest in returning sometime.
Date: | Tuesday, June 18, 2002 6:33 PM |
From: | Tekle Woldemikael (USA)
woldemik@cox.net |
What a delightful website. I enjoyed the virtual trip of Asmara through your wonderful photos and presentations.
Thank you.
Date: | Monday, June 17, 2002 10:37 PM |
From: | Semon Tekeste (Regina, Sask, Canada)
tekess261@rcs.sk.ca |
This is a good site. I used it for my Eritrean Report.
I'm Eritrean too!
See ya later!
Date: | Friday, June 07, 2002 1:12 AM |
From: | Pino (Marnate Italia)
hbicci@tin.it |
Ho vissuto 25 anni in Eritrea dove ho lavorato e ho un buon ricordo del vostro paese.
Date: | Thursday, May 23, 2002 4:06 AM |
From: | Weldemariam Seyum Medhanie (Saint Paul
Minnesota USA)
asmara12@msn.com |
Dear Mebrat and Hans,
Your website is wonderful you guys are doing great job.
Thank you very much.God bless you.
What a wonderful web site! If all goes well I should be on my way to Asmara in September to
teach at the Barka secondary school. I was so excited to come across a picture of it on your
web site. You have helped me a great deal in my preparations for going abroad.
Thank you.
Date: | Wednesday, May 15, 2002 10:55 PM |
From: | Issias Lilai(Qaryat Eliazer Haifa Israel)
wedialem@hotmail.com |
Hi, dear Mebrat Tzehaie!
You have a very interesting and well designed web.
I'm israeli of Ethiopian (tigraway) origin.
As one who had left Ethiopia in his childhood (five years old) I have not any memory of Ethiopia.
As student, currently, I'm working on my thesis for this purpose I interviewed my family
elder and at that interviews to my surprise I have found out that the origin of my father's
parents is Hamasin. since than I didn't stop looking for any details on Eritrea history and I
find your web was useful to me. Thank for that.
Hi Mebrat,
Thank you soooo much for the wonderful site.
I spent the best part of my life, all of six years (1981-1987) in Asmara.
Lately, I have been trying to find some information about my school, Michelangelo Buonarroti
and my classmates from there, but to no avail.
Can anyone reading this be of some help?
Can you post a picture of my school on the site?
Hoping to receive some help from your end if it is possible.
Thanking you all the same,
Date: | Saturday, May 11, 2002 12:22 PM |
From: | A.O. (San Diego, CA, USA)
abeo@aol.com |
The connections one makes in one's life are often odd.
While living in Jerusalem in the 1980s I became very close to several members of the Ethiopian Jewish community. It was through them that I learned about Eritrea and its history.
I now live very far from Jerusalem, on the West Coast of the United States, about twenty minutes from the Mexican border. And it's here that, by chance, I've made some good Eritrean friends.
It's difficult for me to explain all the emotions your site provokes for me. Your descriptions of Eritrean cuisine, the coffee ritual, take me back in fact to Jerusalem, to late night discussions, and wonderful meals, and an introduction to a part of the world I knew nothing about. I was younger then.
So, from this far corner of the Western world, I'd like to thank you for creating such a fine site. And you should know that here, in this far corner of the Western world, Eritreans are doing well. They study hard. They work hard. They're doing well in small businesses, real estate, and science.
God willing, someday I'll visit Asmara.
I love it! you did a wanderful job.
Thank you so much for doing this web site!
Date: | Wednesday, April 24, 2002 3:54 PM |
From: | Michael Tesfai (Darmstadt Germany)
fotolucas@gmx.com |
Hi Hans & Mebrat,
Really amazing and inspiring visiting your wonderful and informative HP.
I might need some help from you, ´cause I am on my way to create my own HP too which is under construction
Dear Mebrat,
I liked your homepage very much. I can say that this was the best site on
Eritrea I have ever read. You did it elaborately and thoroughly.
I served in the US Army at Radio Marina and Kagnew Station from 1956-1958, I
have only good memories of the people and country. They are both beautiful. I
was very happy that it received it's independence and that its' constitution
gave freedom and representation for all. Someday I'd like to return and visit
some of the places I remember from my service there. Good luck and Gods'
blessings on Eritrea and it's people.
Dear Mebrat Tzehaie,
You have put a great content page for Eritrea. Bravo.
Keep it updated, I am sure it will turn out to be a very great site on Eritrea.
God bless you.
Kokeb Darmas
I was an American serviceman stationed in Asmara during the period May60-Sep62.
I met and dated a lady by the name of Paola Regni during those years. On 19Dec62,
she gave birth to a son, Edward Lamont Kelley, Jr. I had signed legal documents
giving him my name prior to my departure from Asmara.
I am now trying to locate him and wonder if he and his mother still reside in Asmara.
If not, any assistance anyone can give me as to his whereabouts would sincerely be
Edward L. Kelley
Dear Hans and Mebrat,
After having been here almost a month I thought it would be funny to look at
your EXCELLENT home-page again.
And what I see in your page is exactly what I see here.
there is a Benetton shop here in Asmara (I was SO surprised when I heard about it).
I live in Tira-vollo, near Hotel Alla-scala and Alpha Supermarket, the house is nice but old.
I like the city a lot, people here are very friendly.
The kids we meet on the route to Massawa are just so HAPPY when I give them a pen.
Are you planning to come back here, or..?
Yours sincerely
Date: | Monday, February 25, 2002 7:38 PM |
From: | Tewelde Mulugheta (Germany)
Tsibuk Fetene Ajoki, Beli nedrer alena Emo Chao Dehankuni.
Ho abitato in Asmara e Ghinda per 8 mesi nel 1972, lavorai in Ghinda per un breve periodo,
dove ho lasciato il cuore. Le photo mi fanno ricordare i momenti piu' belli della mia vita.
Ora vivo in UK. Vorrei tornare in Asmara anche se per un breve periodo e farmi raccontare
gli avvenimenti dopo la caduta del Negus. E' stata una lunga guerra.... ma quanto e' costata
la liberta'.... dove sono i miei amici del Fronte di Liberazione...
Spent a month in Asmara in June of 2000. What a wonderful City and Country.
So much different from my home. I hope I have a chance to visit again.
People were friendly and warm.
Great Website ... keep up the great work.
In ontwikkeling; roman over Eritrea 'Het koffieritueel' heb ik geschreven om de indrukken te
verwerken die mijn vrouw en ik hebben opgedaan in de zomer van 2001 tijdens
ons bezoek aan Eritrea, het 'thuisland' van een vriendin van
ons. Zij is 10 jaar geleden naar Nederland gevlucht en voor haar was het de
eerste keer dat zij als 'toerist' in haar vaderland kwam.
In het verhaal gaat de hoofdspersoon op zoek naar sporen van zijn omgekomen
vader. In de nadagen van de oorlog is hij in Eritrea overleden. Zoveel lijkt
zeker, verder ontbreekt elk spoor. Met de hulp van Haile, een Eritreër,
wordt een zoektocht gestart. Gaandeweg maakt hij kennis met het land, zijn
vriendelijke mensen en boeiende gewoontes. Daarbij komen de vragen naar zijn
vader steeds meer op de achtergrond en ontdekt hij een land dat hem boeit en
aangrijpt. 'Het koffieritueel' is meer dan een roman die zich afspeelt in
de Hoorn van Afrika. Zoals gezegd is het een mix van persoonlijke ervaringen
en fictie, vermengd met verhalen uit de bewogen geschiedenis van Eritrea. 'Het koffieritueel' gunt de lezer een bijzonder kijkje in het
alledaagse leven van mensen in een sociale context die westerse mensen
doorgaans niet kennen.
De lezer krijgt op verscheidene plaatsen informatie over het land en zijn
geschiedenis. De verschillen tussen ons dagelijks leven en dat in Eritrea
wordt onderstreept in de flashbacks waarin de hoofdpersoon situaties
herbeleeft waarin zijn vader een belangrijke rol speelt.
Date: | Wednesday, January 23, 2002 6:20 PM |
From: | Michael Heller (Beijing PR China)
mikey@debitel.net |
Hy there,
I am a diplomat in the German foreign service actually posted in Beijing / China since 8/1998.
In 7/2002 I will be transferred to Asmara for the next 3 years working at the German Embassy.
Your website is very helpful for me to get a very good impression about my next posting and I am now really looking forward.
Hi, what a nice homepage u have.
I love the way u did it good job.
I worked in Asmara with the old B.O.A.C. in 1942/3 on the airport, and have many fond memories
of the city and its people. Would love to see it all again - but am too old!!
Have memories of Toc H and the Church Army Club.
Guest book of Mebrat Tzehaie 2001 >>